Monday, December 19, 2016

It's Christmas Week!

Greetings! Happy Christmas Week! All week we will be doing some Christmas activities. The students are so excited for Christmas. I love their energy!

In Religion class today, we read the Christmas story. We talked about how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem and how Jesus was born in a manger. We will continue to talk about the Christmas story this week. 

In Language Arts class today, we read Santa's Stuck. We then brainstormed ways we would help Santa if he got stuck in our chimney. We then wrote about what we would do and added it to a craft project. Here are a few examples: 

Our Language Arts class was interrupted by a special visitor. Santa Claus himself stopped by. Everyone got to sit on his lap and tell him the one thing they are hoping for for Christmas. 

Math class today focused on measurement. Together we used linking cubes to measure a pencil, paper clip, marker crayon, and ruler. The students then worked with  partner to measure 4 things in the classroom using the linking cubes. We will soon be using rulers to measure objects. 

This afternoon the students were treated to a surprise. Because they have worked hard all year, the primary teachers decided to reward the students with an afternoon movie. The students got together and we watched Finding Dory

Here is a picture of the Santa's from Friday's Art class: 

Have a wonderful evening! 

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