Friday, December 9, 2016

Elves and A Christmas Tree

Happy Friday! Another week has come and gone. This week just flew by for us in first grade. I am sure the students are looking forward to a relaxing weekend! 

We began our Religion class with a prayer service. We had several friends read during it and did such an amazing job. We then returned to the classroom where we learned about Pentecost. On that day, Jesus' followers were filled with the Holy Spirit! 

We wrapped up our week of learning in Language Arts. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences and reading long a words and contractions. We then wrote sentences using our sight words. We took our weekly assessment and reviewed verbs by finding them in sentences. 

In Math class today we practiced solving a problem by looking for a pattern. As one student pointed out the one pattern used Christmas colors! 

Then it was time for Science class. We began our study of physical science today. Today we discussed various ways to sort objects. We said that objects could be sorted b size, shape, color, and hardness. We then did an experiment where we sorted objects by whether they floated or sank. We discovered that a linking cube and pattern block float while an Army man, paper clip, piece of chalk, and dice sank. The students really enjoyed this! 

To help make our room festive for Christmas, we took some time to decorate a Christmas tree. The students put the ornaments on the tree and help set up the manger. It looks so pretty: 

And then it was Art class. Today we made elves. They look really adorable. I"ll post pictures of them on Monday once they are dried. 

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm!

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