Monday, December 12, 2016

The First Delay!

Greetings on this first two hour delay of the school year. I am hoping that we get the winter weather out of our system sooner rather than later. But I have a feeling that we will make up for last winter this year ☺

Despite starting our day late, we were quite productive today. We learned two new oral vocabulary words and worked on making predictions as we listened to Mystery Vine. We then practiced blending and reading long i words. Next we learned our new sight words for the week. We put our phonics skills to work as we read Time to Plant. The students really enjoyed reading this play. We switched our focus to grammar where we talked about present tense verbs; we practiced finding them in sentences. Finally we wrote the first step in decorating a Christmas tree. 

After all that Language Arts, we switched our focus to Math. Today we identified the odd numbers to 100. We also practiced determining whether a number was odd or even. Finally, we made our own fact cards for the adding 2 facts. 

As you can see, we did a lot today. I know that Jingles is going to give Santa a good report tonight!

As promised, here are pictures of the elves we made in Art on Friday. Enjoy! 

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