Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

The students found a surprise on their desk this morning. St. Nick visited our classroom and left everyone a candy cane. He even gave Jingles one. Jingles must have enjoyed it. He played with some small blocks and made a snow angel. 

In honor of the feast of St. Nicholas we watched a video on his life today in Religion. We learned about how we always prayed to God and trusted him. 

During Language Arts class we reviewed our oral vocabulary words and learned some new ones. We also reviewed long a words by using our letter tiles to spell words. We then learned how to blend, read, and spell contractions with not; we even practiced using them in sentences. We then switched our focus to reading. We read our decodable reader and reread Nate the Snake is Late. After reading them, we talked about the plot in each one and wrote about the beginning, middle, and end of the story. For Grammar today we practiced using action verbs in sentences and created a superhero. Around the superhero we wrote actions he/she can do. Finally for writing, we wrote the first two steps in planting a seed. 

In Math class today we identified the odd numbers to 23 and practiced counting by odd numbers. We will continue to practice counting by odd numbers during our Math Meeting. 

Have a wonderful night!

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