Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday Funday!

Greetings and Happy Friday! This week sure went fast. As we were doing our Math Meeting today, one student remarked at how fast the school year has gone. I couldn't agree more. There is only one more week left in April. Where has the time gone? 

We began our day with Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard reminded us that we need to be like the disciples and tell others about Jesus. 

In Language Arts, we practiced answering questions using our sights. We then used our letter tiles to spell and read words with the vowel sound /oo/. Next we talked about the suffixes -ful and -less. We discussed how when added to a word they change a word's meaning and practiced reading words with these suffixes. After that we switched our focus to fluency and comprehension. We reread Super Tools and talked about the theme of the story. We finished up by reading our decodable reader. 

Estimation was the topic in Math class today. we used our classroom number line to help us. I covered various numbers. We identified the multiples of 10 the hidden number fell between and then identified the multiple of 10 it was closer to. The students really enjoyed estimating. 

Science class was loads of fun today. We talked about how things move and focused on the words push and pull. We then did an activity to experiment with motion. The students worked in groups to construct a maze. They then had to blow a ping pong ball through the maze. Their mazes were awesome! 

We ended our day with Art. Today we made a flower by painting a paper plate and bubble wrap. I'll post pictures on Monday once everything is dried. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

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