Thursday, April 6, 2017

Terrific Thursday!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! It has been one fast week full of learning in first grade!

Our focus in Religion class today switched to the events of Holy Week. Today we looked at Palm Sunday. We read the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem and how the people waved palm branches and shouted ‘Hosanna’ as he passed by. To end class we made our own mosaic palm branches.

As usual Language Arts class was full of learning. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences and answering questions using our words. We then reviewed diphthongs ou and ow words and words with inflectional ending –er and –est. We also reviewed all of our sight words by reading our word wall. We then switched focus to reading and building our fluency and comprehension skills. We partner read two stories: one from our decodable reader booklets and Whistle for Willie. We then read a nonfiction piece about sound and completed pages in our close reading companion.

Excitement was abound in Gym class today. Each student rolled two dice. The first number told us what exercise to do; the second number told us how many to do. We had so much fun doing these exercises.

In Math class today we learned about cones and spheres. We looked at each shape and identified characteristics about each one.

Finally it was time for Social Studies. Today we talked about why people have jobs. We then took a closer look at assembly lines and how they help people. We watched a short clip on how crayons are made using an assembly line.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day to end the first week of April! 

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