Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Getting Ready for Easter!

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is enjoying their week. Excitement is in the air in first grade; we are getting excited for Easter. 

We continued to look at Holy Week in Religion class. Today we focused on Holy Thursday. We learned that Jesus washed his disciples feet before sharing a meal of bread and wine. By washing his disciples' feet, Jesus is telling us that we need to serve and help others. We also discovered that every time we go to Mass we are remembering what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper. To help us remember our call to service, the students took turns washing another student's hands by pouring a cup of water on them. 

Language Arts class was short today. We reviewed prepositions and prepositional phrases. We finished sentences by adding the correct preposition and matched sentences to pictures. The highlight today of Language Arts was our show and tell event. The students did such an excellent job writing and reading their clues; we did get stumped on a few of them. Thank you to everyone who helped with this show and tell event. 

In Math class today we learned four new addition facts. We again used our linking cubes to help us find the answers for these problems and to help us complete our fact cards. 

This afternoon, as an Easter gift, the students were treated to a movie. Needless to say, they were excited to watch it. 

You never know what is waiting in the wings for tomorrow . . . 

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