Monday, April 3, 2017

The Beginning of April!

Greetings! Welcome to April in first grade! It is going to be on exciting month! 

We began the month with Religion class. Today we learned about the Sacrament of Penance. It was just an overview of the sacrament; the students will learn more about it next year as they plan to celebrate their first Penance. 

Then we jumped into Language Arts. Today we learned 13 new words (5 oral vocabulary words, 6 sight words, and 2 vocabulary words). We also learned how to blend and read words with diphthongs ou and ow. We even added these words around a doctor to help us remember that they say 'ow'. After learning all those new words and skills, we switched our focus to reading. We read Now What's That Sound. We ended our morning by working in our literacy centers. This afternoon we did writing. On Friday in Art we made Easter eggs; today we wrote about our incredible Easter egg. 

In Math class we learned about dividing fairly. The students used linking cubes to divide them evenly between students. They were such quick learners with this concept. 

This afternoon the first grade did not attend Living Stations. Instead we watched The Proud Tree. It is about a boastful tree who becomes the tree on which Jesus dies on. After watching the movie, we reviewed the events surrounding Jesus' death. 

Have a great night! 

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