Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sunny Day Inside!

Greetings and Happy Tuesday! Despite the gray day outside, it was a sunny day inside filled with learning and fun. 

We finished our retreat on morality today in Religion class. We read about Mother Teresa and talked about how she served and helped others. We then drew a picture of some type of service we can do for others. We said that it doesn't have to be something grand; even doing something small makes a difference. We ended by praying to God asking him to help us serve others. 

We wrapped up yet another week of learning in Language Arts today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, used our whiteboards to spell and read words with vowel sound oo, read words with suffixes, and wrote sentences using our sight words. We then read a story in our decodable reader booklets, partner read Click Clack Moo Cows That Type, and read a nonfiction piece about people working together to change unfair laws. Finally, we reviewed pronouns. It was a busy day in Language Arts! 

In Math class today we talked about two geometric solids: the cube and cylinder. We identified characteristics for each of them and identified objects that can be classified as cubes and cylinders. 

In honor of Earth Day, we wrote about ways we can help the Earth. We then added our writing to a Lorax craft. They are so nice. I'll post pictures tomorrow. 

Have a great night! 

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