Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Water and Math!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone's week is off to a good start. 

Forgiveness continues to be our topic of discussion in Religion class this week. Today we talked about how Jesus wants us to forgive others just like he did. We came up with many ways to forgive others. One of the things we said is that we could do something nice for somebody. To demonstrate this, each student drew the name of another student in the class and drew a picture for them. They just loved doing something kind for a secret friend. 

As usual Language Arts was full of learning. Today we practiced answering questions using our oral vocabulary words. We reviewed diphthongs ou and ow by using our letter tiles to spell words. We then reviewed the inflectional endings -er and -est and practiced adding them to the end of words. Next we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. Then it was time to build our fluency and comprehension skills. We reread Now What's That Sound and wrote about the problem and solution in the story. After that we read our decodable reader. Finally, we learned about the proper way to use a and an and this and that. 

Math class was full of excitement today. We learned about capacity. To do this we filled various containers with water. We learned that 2 cups equals a pint, 4 cups equals a quart, and 16 cups equals a gallon. 

Please remember to turn in your Hawk Walk packet tomorrow. 

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