Thursday, April 13, 2017

Happy Easter!

Greetings! Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. The students walked in, stopped, and then ran to their desks. The Easter Bunny came last night to our classroom and left Easter baskets for them. It did not take long for the students to rip into their baskets. Their excitement and wonder was something to see. Here is a look at the baskets he left: 

Once we got settled, we talked about the events on Good Friday in Religion class. We know that this is the day that Jesus died on the cross for us. We made beautiful pictures to help us remember Good Friday. First we painted the background using watercolors. We then glued on three crosses. They all turned out different but they are all beautiful: 

We did some writing for Language Arts today. Each student was given a Peep and wrote about their Peep. Their creativity is quite impressive. 

Math class was so much fun. We used jelly beans to measure various objects including a crayon, pipe cleaner, blocks, book, and pencil. We then used the jelly beans to create various patterns. Then we practiced counting money. Each group was given 12 eggs. In each egg there was coins. The students had to count the money in each group. They loved this! 

Before we knew it, it was time to go home. I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed, happy Easter. See you on Tuesday! 

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