Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Little Bit of Music!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone was able to beat the rains home. I did but did not have luck as I walked my dog. It started to rain on us. What can you do! 

We began a new chapter in Religion today; this chapter focuses on the Mass. We take a brief overview of the Mass in first grade. The students will learn more about the Mass next year as they prepare for their first Communion. Today we focused on the beginning part of the Mass. 

We also began a new week of learning in Language Arts today. We learned our new oral vocabulary words (cycle, predict, frigid, scorching, and creative). Next we worked on visualizing as we listened to a story about Paul Bunyan and the popcorn blizzard. After that, we learned how to blend and read words with silent letters kn, gn, and wr. Then we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. Following that, we practiced our new skills as we read Wrapped in Ice, a realistic fiction story about what a girl and her mom do during an ice storm. We ended class by learning some special pronouns like everything, anybody, and nothing. 

This afternoon we were treated to a wonderful Spring Concert. I am just amazed at all of the talent we have here at Holy Name. The students did a fantastic job and should be very proud of themselves. Bravo! 

Tomorrow will be a busy day to end our week. Get some sleep! 

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