Friday, May 3, 2019

Flower Gardens!

Greetings! Happy Friday! 

We began our day by going to Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard called us to follow in the Apostles footsteps and share Jesus' good news with everyone. 

We had a busy day in Language Arts. We began by answering questions using our oral vocabulary words. Then we used our letter tiles to spell and read words with the vowels au, augh, aw, and al. After that we blended and read vowel team syllable words. Next, we practiced using our sight words in sentences. We ended our morning by rereading All Kinds of Helpers and writing the author's purpose for the story. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we read our decodable reader and identified the author's purpose for that story. We then practiced using possessive pronouns in sentences. 

In Math class today we practiced adding two two-digit numbers without regrouping. The students did very well with this. 

In Science class today, our focus was on magnets. The students worked in groups to find objects in the room that a magnet was attracted to or repelled from. They loved this. 

Finally, it was time for Art. Today we created a flower garden. The students painted the grass and sky and then used forks to make the flowers. They turned out nice. 

Here are pictures from the projects we did this week. Enjoy! 

Have a great weekend! 

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