Monday, May 20, 2019

Our Last Full Week!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that the last full week of school is upon us. This year has gone too fast. As I look at the students, I know that they are ready for second grade. I'm not sure I'm ready to see them go. I'm going to enjoy these last few days with them. 

Today our Religion class came this afternoon when we met with our Faith Families. Today we focused on the life of St. Francis and the virtue of humility. 

We began Language Arts by learning when to use I and me in sentences. After that we wrote the first part of our narrative paragraph on our field trip. Following that we worked in our literacy centers to continue to build our fluency and comprehension skills. Then we began a new week of learning. We learned our new oral vocabulary words (effort, tradition, ancient, drama, and movement). Next, we practiced blending and decoding words with three letter blends. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We ended the morning by reading a realistic fiction story about a boy celebrating his birthday in A Spring Birthday

In Math class today we used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. I was quite impressed with them and how many combinations they could tell me that added up to 100. They love math and working with numbers! 

With all of our work done, we headed outside for some extra fun in the sun. We have worked hard all year and earned some free time. Needless to say, they loved it. 

Just a reminder, that Book Orders are due tomorrow. Have a great night! 

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