Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hawk Walk Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Friday was another fun day in first grade. It was our annual Hawk Walk day. But, before partaking in all the festivities, we had some business to do. 

We began by taking our Spelling test. Then we wrapped up our chapter in Social Studies on economics. After that we wrapped up our Science chapter on motion. Finally, we talked about how Jesus wants us to love and serve others in Religion. 

Then it was time to celebrate. After gathering outside for the group picture, we began our walk around Ebensburg. It was such a beautiful day to take a walk. We prayed really hard that the rain would hold off and it sure did. 

This afternoon we headed back outside for some games and activities. We really enjoyed bowling, playing with the parachute, racing to to dress our friends, and seeing Smoky the Bear. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to help make this day possible. 

See you tomorrow! 

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