Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Summer Day

Hello everyone! What an absolutely perfect day it was today. It was so hard to come inside from recess. We could have soaked in that sun all afternoon. 

We had an action-packed day in first grade. In Religion class we talked about the ending of the Mass. 

During Language Arts, we did a lot of reviewing and practicing. We reviewed the vowel sounds in book and inflected endings as well as diphthong ou and VCV words. We read our story again and compared and contrasted how we are alike and different from Dot and Jabber. We also reviewed how sentences begin and end. 

In Math class, we learned about polygons. We learned how to identify polygons and draw them. 

This afternoon we attended May Crowning. It was a beautiful service honoring Mary as Mother both of heaven and of earth. 

Enjoy the night! 

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