Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Smiling Sunshine!

What a beautiful day it was! That sunshine was so awesome to see. It really did put a smile on our faces all day. 

In Religion class today, we continued our talk about the Mass. Today we learned about the three readings we hear at Mass on Sunday including our responses to the readings. 

Language Arts class was full of exciting new learning today. We discovered how to spell words with inflected endings especially when there is a spelling change. It took us a little while to remember to drop an e before adding -ed or -ing but we soon found our groove. We also learned our new sight words today. In addition, we looked at a new type of writing. Our focus is now on narrative writing. We will be writing a narrative paragraph this week. 

In Math class today, we learned how to identify a fractional part of a whole. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym class and that we will be visiting the book fair. Please send in money in an envelope if you wish for your child to purchase books. 

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