Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a great week just like we are in first grade! 

Our focus today in Religion class was the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We were again reminded that the bread and the wine become Jesus' Body and Blood. 

In Language Arts class today we did some reviewing of our phonics skills this week (vowel sounds in book and inflected endings) and our sight words before reading our story Dot and Jabber and the Great Acorn Mystery. The students loved being detectives along side the characters and figuring out the solution to the mystery. We ended class by writing the beginning sentence to our narrative paragraph. 

During Math class today we learned how to subtract 10 from a number. The students were fantastic at this! 

In Social Studies today, we talked about some American heroes including Sacajawea, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Students were then asked who there hero was. They wrote about why that person is there hero. 

Our day ended in gym class. Today, the other first grade joined us for a rousing game of kickball. There was a lot of excitement in the air! 

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