Thursday, May 22, 2014


Happy Thursday! What an absolutely gorgeous day it was! I love seeing all of the green sprouting up. Summer is just around the corner! 

In Religion class today, we began our chapter on Mary and the Saints. Today we reviewed that Mary taught Jesus many things as he grew up. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed diphthong oi and oy and suffixes -er and -or. We partner read our story. To review details from our story, students wrote 4 facts about Alexander Graham Bell. We then added a telephone craft to the top to create a poster. Have a look: 

We also worked in literacy centers, reviewed using I and me, and wrote the concluding sentence in our paragraph about our field trip. 

In Math class today, we counted by hundreds, tens, and ones. We also identified the place value of digits in a three-digit number. 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day in first grade! 

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