Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Midweek Learning

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a fabulous week; it is hard to believe that it is already half over. For me, I am finding it very hard to see the time fly. When I look at the calendar, I realize we have less than two weeks of school left :(. 

Today is Religion class we wrapped up our study of how we love and serve. We talked about loving and serving our families, God, and others. 

In Language Arts class, we read a biography about Alexander Graham Bell. The students were just fascinated at the history of the telephone; they were asking some very good questions. We did do some reviewing before reading; we reviewed vowels au and aw, short e: ea, and our sight words. For our phonics skills, each student was given a word; he/she then had to determine the vowel sound the word says. We then sorted the words into charts. I have pictures of the charts below. We ended class by writing our narrative paragraph about our field trip. 

During Math class today, we talked about probability. We discussed the terms likely, certain, and impossible. We then did an experiment using linking cubes. I put 9 yellow and 1 red linking cubes in a bag. Each student had a turn to pick a cube from the bag without looking. We then graphed our results. We realized that it was more likely that we would get a yellow cube since more yellow were in the bag. Here is how our graph turned out: 

In Social Studies class, we wrapped up our study of American civics and government. We reviewed different concepts we have studied over the past several weeks. 

Our day ended with Gym class. The rainy weather forced us inside today. So we played kickball. The smiles and laughter could be heard a throughout the gym during the game. 

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