Friday, May 16, 2014

Healthy Hawk Walk

Today was our very first Healthy Hawk Walk. It was a bit cold and chilly, but we still had an awesome day. 

Our day began with Mass followed by our Spelling test. Then it was time for the fun to begin. The fun started with our walk. We followed along a designated route. Thanks to all of the parents who lined the route and for those who walked with us. It was great having extra eyes and hands there! 

This afternoon we had some fun outside. We played various games and had got our faces' painted. The highlight though was the dunking booth. Kudos to Mrs. Ross, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Rhoades, and Fr. Brian for braving the cold weather to be dunked. 

Again, thank you to everyone who helped make this a great day for the students. Have a fantastic weekend! 

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