Monday, May 26, 2014

Beach Fun!

Greetings! Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their extra day off. For me, I can say I had a busy weekend between graduation, a Baptism, picnics, and preparing for the last week of school. 

I was sad to see this current 8th grade class graduate on Friday. Six of the students were part of my first class. As sad as it is to see them graduate, I know great things await them in the future. Best of Luck Class of 2014! 

In school on Friday, we had a great day of learning. In Religion class, we talked about how the church honors Mary. We found out this includes special songs, prayers, and Holy Days. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our phonics skills and sight words. We took a test on our story and wrapped up our study of the pronouns I and me. We even took time to learn about another inventor: Ben Franklin. Our story next week is about him when he was a boy; today we learned about the many inventions he created when he was an adult. 

In Math class, we practiced solving a problem by drawing a picture and acting it out. Science class  was devoted to plants specifically the different parts of plants. We learned about roots, stems, and, leaves.

Our day ended with some fun at the beach. We made beach scenes today and used real sand for an extra touch. They turned out great! 

Have a great rest of your day! 

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