Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fireworks in First Grade!

Happy Friday! Today was a busy and fabulous Friday in first grade! 

We began our day by attending Mass. After Mass, we went to our Peacekeeper Assembly. The program focused around the song "Fireworks" by Katy Perry. Students were told to let their light shine for others and be peacemakers in the world. To conclude, everyone was given a glow stick to wave during the playing of the song. 

Back in the classroom, we reviewed concepts we learned this week in Language Arts including short o and -s plural words and the action part of sentences. We also took a test on our story. To help review short o words, students wrote short o words on a circle. We then transformed that circle into a lollipop. Look at how cool they turned out: 

In Math class today, we practiced sorting. We sorted ourselves in two groups and identified the sorting rule. 

During Science class today, we learned about insects including the names of their three body parts (head, thorax, abdomen) and how many legs they have. Working in groups, students used Play-doh to make a model of an insect. Here is how that turned out: 

Finally in Art class, we made mosaic apples. Students cut red construction paper into pieces to cover an apple. We added worms too. They turned out great! 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

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