Thursday, September 4, 2014

Learning in Warm Weather

Hello! I hope you had a nice day and were able to stay cool. Towards the end of the day I was asking the students to use their Spelling words in a sentence. For the word am, one student said 'I am hot.' Hopefully after tomorrow, things will cool off. 

We did not let the warm weather deter us from learning. We wrapped up our Religion chapter on creation. The students did a fantastic job drawing 5 things God created. 

In Language Arts today, we did some reviewing and practicing. We reviewed the consonants by playing a game called Uh-Oh. The students worked in groups for this game. Students selected a letter card from a bag and then had to give its name, sound, and a word beginning with the letter. If a student picked an Uh-Oh card, they had to place all of their cards back in the bag. The students really enjoyed this activity. We also spent time building our fluency and comprehension skills. Students partner-read the story Sam, Come Back. We then reviewed details from the story. 

During Math class today we reviewed and practiced writing the digits 0, 6, 8, and 9. 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day. We have our Opening School Mass at 9am. We also have Science and Art class tomorrow. 

As promised, here is the picture of the pictograph we made in Math class yesterday: 

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