Wednesday, September 24, 2014

First Day of Fall

Happy Wednesday! Today was another day full of excitement and learning in first grade. 

In Religion class today, we talked about the Christmas story. We are learning about the Holy Family and about Jesus as a young boy before he began his public ministry. Our focus today was Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. 

During Language Arts class we reviewed inflected endings. We also practiced our sight words. Then we read A Fox and A Kit. The students loved learning about foxes. There are many animal lovers among us! Finally, we ended class by reviewing word order in sentences. Students worked in groups to unscramble sentences. They did a great job with it. 

In Math class today we practiced counting to 23 using a wrap-up. We will be using wrap-ups throughout the year in math as we learn our Math facts. Students did a great job using them today! 

For gym today, we took advantage of the beautiful fall weather and headed outside. It was such a pleasant day. It was hard to come back inside. 

In Social Studies class today, we discussed why people move to new places. 

Throughout the week, we have been studying apples. Yesterday we talked about the life cycle of an apple and today we made a diagram of an apple. Here is a picture: 

Tomorrow has many surprises in store as we celebrate Johnny Appleseed! 

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