Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Learning a Lot

Happy Tuesday! I hope all is well with everyone! 

We began our Tuesday by attending Mass for 40 hours. Msgr. Lockard talked to the students about ways we can pray when we attend Adoration including saying prayers taught to us, praying for others, and thanking God for all that we had. When we returned to Adoration this afternoon, students were encouraged to do all three. 

In Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read words with inflected endings -ing. We also practiced our sight words and reviewed the importance of word order in sentences. We even had time to work in literacy centers. 

During Math class today, we used the seeds from our apples to make a pictograph. Students worked with a partner to count and draw their seeds in their apples. We then took their pictures and created the graph. We then talked about the graph. Here is our graph: 

As one student said as we were getting packed up, "We sure had a busy day and learned lots Miss Chalich. " I agreed with her. Today was a great learning day in first grade! 

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