Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Success at Learning

Today was a very successful learning day in first grade. We worked very hard and we quite tired by the end of the day. 

In Religion class today we learned about God's greatest gift to us. We even learned a special song to help us remember that Jesus is God's greatest gift to us. 

Language Arts class was full of laughter today. We reviewed short i and final x by singing a poem. The students loved singing about how the thin birds got fatter by eating. The laughter continued as we read Pig in a Wig. They giggled at the pig as he ate. I personally love the last line in the story. I hope you enjoyed hearing the story tonight. 

During Math class today, we talked about things we do in the morning and afternoon. We also learned about ordinal position and practiced identifying objects in first, second, and third place. 

Gym class was quite enjoyable today. We took advantage of the weather again and played outside. I am hoping this pleasant weather stays around for a bit longer. 

Finally, in Social Studies class today we talked about rules and why we have them. We learned that rules help keep us safe. 

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