Friday, September 12, 2014

What a Difference

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. I was thinking today about what a difference a week makes. Last week, it was hot and muggy; today it was cool and comfortable. It is amazing all of the different weather we experience. 

Today was a great way to wrap up the week. In Religion class today, we began talking about being peacemakers. We talked about what bullies do and why bullying hurts others. We ended class by agreeing to be peacemakers and made a necklace stating that we are peacemakers. 

Language Arts today was a review of the week. We reviewed short i and final x as well as our sight words. We took a test on the story and wrapped up our study of the naming part in a sentence. Finally, for writing, we wrote a sentence about what real pigs do. We turned it into a little craft project. Here are some examples:

We also visited the library for the first time this year. We were reminded of how to take care of books and were showed how to find books. Everyone took a book home tonight to read over the week. Please return all library books to school by next Friday. 

During Math class today, we talked about attributes of triangles. We also sorted shapes by different characteristics. 

In Science class today, we talked about the different covering animals have. We used magnifying glasses to study some feathers. 

Finally for Art, we made fall trees. Students traced their arm and hand which became the trunk of the tree. Using Q-tips and paint, students added leaves to their picture. The paintings turned out beautiful!

Have a great weekend! 

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