Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Open House Night!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! We had a great day in first grade. Many are excited to show you the room tonight during Open House!

In Religion class today we talked about how God always loves us. We read the story Guess How Much I Love You as a reminder of how big God's love is for us.

During Language Arts class, we began by preparing to read our very first story of the year. We reviewed short a, final ck, and our sight words. We then read Sam, Come Back. The students enjoyed this funny story. I hope you enjoyed having them read it to you tonight.

In Math class today, we made a pictograph of how we come to school (I'll post a picture of it tomorrow). We also practiced showing left and right. To end class, we danced to the Hokey Pokey as a way to practice left and right.

For Gym class today we went outside and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. The sky was such a pretty blue this afternoon. It was hard to come inside. In Social Studies today we talked about the importance of respecting others in the classroom.

Just a reminder that we will be visiting the Book Fair tomorrow. Please send any money in a marked envelope or pouch.

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