Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More than One

Happy Tuesday! We had a busy day in first grade today. We began the day with Religion class. Today we reviewed concepts we have been talking about: the Blessed Trinity, prayer, and the Sign of the Cross. We also talked about giving build-ups during our peacekeeper lesson. We practiced giving a friend a build-up and enjoyed hearing nice things about ourselves. 

In Language Arts class today, we learned about plurals and practiced reading plural words and sorting words based on whether or not they named one or more than one. Here is how our chart turned out: 

We also practiced reading our sight words and worked on finding action parts in a sentence. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers today. 

During Math class, we practiced drawing pictures for some, some more and some, some went away stories. We used linking cubes to help us act out the story before drawing a picture. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day. Also, book orders are due tomorrow. Have a great night! 

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