Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Rainy Day!

Happy Thursday, albeit a rainy one. The rainy weather could not keep us from learning in first grade today. 

In Religion class, we talked more about the Holy Family. Today we focused on things they did together like pray. We learned a special prayer we can say before we eat. 

During Language Arts class, we practiced using plural nouns in sentences. We also reviewed our sight words by reading the word wall. Next, we put all of our skills to the test and partner read a decodable reader story in the decodable reader booklets. Finally, we practiced identifying statements. 

For gym class today we went down to the gym. We played a favorite game 'Alligator, Alligator.' We were all sweaty and tired after class. 

We returned from the gym and went into Math class. Today we began learning some double facts. We used linking cubes to help us find the answers. Then, to help us remember the answers, we learned the Doubles Rap. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about why people move from country to country. We learned that people moved because of jobs and because they want to be close to family. 

For our apple activity today, we made a diagram of an apple and labeled the various parts. Our apple unit will end tomorrow with an exciting activity. 

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