Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Special Visitor!

Greetings! Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. We had a special visitor today. Mrs. W from the Write Tools came into our room and taught a lesson on narrative writing. The students did a wonderful job during the lesson and wrote a beautiful story. The teachers enjoyed watching the lesson and learning new ideas to use in teaching writing. 

Prior to our special visit, we began our day with Religion. We wrapped up our chapter on the Blessed Trinity. We reviewed the Trinity, what prayer means, and the promises God and Jesus made. We then wrote a promise to Jesus that we will keep. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed plural nouns. We practiced using plural nouns in sentences. We then practiced our sight words. Finally, we put all our skills to work by reading our decodable reader and answering questions about the story. 

For Gym class today, we headed outside. Since the students did so well during the writing lesson, they head extra time outside. It was just so nice outside! 

During Math class today, we practiced counting to 23 by using a wrap-up. This was our first introduction to wrap-ups. We will be using them throughout the year to practice our math facts. 

In Social Studies we learned about community helpers. We read a story about community helpers all around us. 

Just a reminder that the students are off tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend! See you on Monday! 

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