Saturday, September 17, 2016

Peacekeeper Promise!

Happy Friday! Today was a busy day in first grade. We began our day with Religion where we talked about the Blessed Trinity. We learned that there are three persons in one God. We then attended our annual Peacekeeper Assembly. There we talked about bullies and how not to be a bully but be a peacekeeper. We can do this when we THINK before we act. At the end we all promised to be peacekeepers. 

Back in the classroom, we wrapped up our week of learning in Language Arts. We reviewed short i and final double consonants. We wrote sentences using our sight words. And we practiced writing sentences paying attention to word order. 

In Math class today we practiced identifying sorting rules. We sorted ourselves into categories and had to identify the sorting rule. 

Science class was lots of fun today. We learned about insects and how they have three body parts and six legs. We then worked in groups to make a model of an insect using Play-doh. The models were fantastic! 

We finished the day with Art. With fall right around the corner, we made fall trees. The students used balls of aluminum foil, dipped them into paint, and stamped them on a tree trunk. I'll post pictures on Monday once all the paint has dried. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

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