Monday, September 26, 2016

The Last Monday of September!

Greetings! Welcome Back from that long weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed their day off on Friday. 

In Religion class today we read the story of the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary telling her that she would be the mother of God's son and that she would name him Jesus. We also talked about how Mary said Yes to God and that we should say Yes to God. 

During Language Arts we reviewed reading l blends and plural nouns. We did a sorting activity with plural nouns. Students were given a word and had to decide if it was one or more than one. Then, we used the more than one words in a sentence. We also choral read our story Flip which is about a dinosaur who goes to school. This afternoon we practiced writing. We wrote about what we like to do in the fall. 

In Math class today, we made a pictograph. We took the seeds from the apples we used last week and graphed a picture of how many seeds were in the apples. Two apples actually had 11 seeds! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Picture Day! 

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