Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blossoming Writers!

Happy Wednesday! It is hard to believe that we are half way through this week. Time flies when you are having fun! 

We began our day talking about the Holy Family. We learned that the Holy Family is Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We also learned that they lived in the town of Nazareth. We then discussed things that the Holy Family did together. 

Next we moved into Language Arts. We used our letter tiles to build l-blend words. We then reviewed our oral vocabulary words and practiced using them in sentences. After a break for Music class, we returned to the classroom and partner read Flip. We then answered questions in our close reading companion. We ended our morning by working in literacy centers. This afternoon we practiced writing a descriptive sentence. We changed things up for this today. Before, we would write a sentence after looking at a picture. Today the students drew a picture and wrote a sentence for their picture. 

In Math class today we learned about ordinal position to the sixth. First, six students stood in a line and we identified the place for each student. We then used linking cubes to help us identify ordinal position. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! 

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