Thursday, September 15, 2016

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday! We had a great day in first grade! We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about how Jesus is God's greatest gift to us. We then decorated the letters in Jesus' name and glued them onto a banner. 

We spent time reviewing and building our comprehension skills in Language Arts today. We reviewed short i, double final consonants, and our sight words. We partner read Go, Pip! and then answered questions about the story. We really had to infer to answer the questions. 

For Gym class, we headed to the playground. It was so nice outside, warm but comfortable. It was really hard to come back inside. 

In Math class today we drew pictures for some, some more and some, some went away stories. 

And in Social Studies, we talked about leaders and rules. We learned that we have rules to keep us safe. 

Tomorrow will be an action-packed Friday. We have the Peacekeeper Assembly, Spanish, and Library! Sleep Tight! 

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