Friday, September 30, 2016

An Apple Celebration!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. All week we have been learning about apples and learned about the life of Johnny Appleseed. To mark the end of our study, we made applesauce. We started by reading a book about Johnny Appleseed. Then, we made the applesauce. The students helped to add the apples, water, sugars, and cinnamon to the crock pot. We then turned the crock pot and let the apples cook. Our room smelt really good today. 

As our apples baked, we got to work. In Religion class today we reviewed details about Jesus' early life. We also drew a picture of the Holy Family. 

In Language Arts class, we practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We also practiced reading l-blend words and our sight words. In addition we wrote about how we made the applesauce. 

In Math class today we learned how to solve a problem by making an organized list. And in Science class we talked about the four needs all animals have: food, water, shelter, and air. 

Then it was time to eat the applesauce. According to the students it got two thumbs up. Seeing the delight on their faces was priceless. Here is a picture of our applesauce: 

We ended our week as usual in Art class. Our focus has now switched to Halloween. Today we made mummies using colored wiggly eyes and white paper. I'll post pictures on Monday once they are hanging the hall. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

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