Monday, September 12, 2016

The Return of Coolness!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. From what I heard today some had fun at the fair while others were under the weather. I do hope everyone is feeling better and ready for another week ahead. 

Today in Religion class we talked about promises. We read about how God promised to send Jesus to His people and how Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit. We learned that when someone promises something then they will do it. 

During Language Arts class, we built our oral vocabulary by learning two new words: city and country. We then continued our skill of visualizing by painting a picture in our mind while we red a story. Next, we blended and read short i words. That was followed by learning our new sight words. Finally, we talked about correct word order when writing sentences. 

In Math class today we acted out some, some more stories and some, some went away stories. We will soon be drawing pictures to match the stories. That will be followed by us writing number sentences to go along with them. 

As promised, here are our owls from Friday's Art: 

I hope everyone has a wonderful night. Go Steelers! 

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