Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Special Visitor!

Greetings! Today was another day filled with excitement in first grade. We had a special visitor this morning - Santa Claus! Santa stopped by and each student was able to tell Santa one thing that he/she wants for Christmas. The students were so excited to see him! 

We continued to talk about the Christmas story in Religion class today. Today we focused on how the shepherds and wise men came to see Jesus. Afterwards, the students created their own Nativity scene. I always love how they do this; they are always so creative. 

Our Christmas story in Language Arts today was The Polar Express, a classic. After reading the story, we put the story's events in order. We then decorated bells. The students had so much fun ringing their bells today. 

In Math class today we wrapped up our chapter on addition and subtraction facts to 20 by taking our test. After Christmas our focus will switch to measurement. 

This afternoon we attended the dress rehearsal for the Choir's Christmas Program. The music was so lovely; it filled you with the Christmas spirit. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early dismissal day. It is also a special jean day. Please remember to send in your donation to the school family whose house recently got on fire. Enjoy your night! 

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