Monday, December 18, 2017

A Week Before Christmas!

Greetings! Excitement is building in first grade as we are just one week away from Christmas. I just love hearing the excitement; it makes me want to be a kid again! 

We began Religion class today by reviewing the story of the first Pentecost. We then reviewed the three persons in the Blessed Trinity. This lead to us learning a new prayer to the Holy Spirit: Glory Be. The students are already familiar with it since we prayed it when we prayed the rosary. 

We will not be starting a new week of learning this week in Language Arts, but we will be doing some fun Christmas activities. Today we worked in our literacy centers to practice our fluency and comprehension skills. We then did a little writing project. We talked about how at Christmas we don't always have to give gifts but how we can do something kind for someone. We wrote about one thing that we could do for someone at Christmas. I'll post pictures of the writing tomorrow. We finished class by reading Santa's Stuck, a cute story telling about how Santa got stuck in a chimney after eating too many cookies. After we read the story we wrote about what we would do if Santa was stuck in our chimney. 

In Math class today we put on our thinking cap to solve problems. The students really did a good job of applying what they have learned to solve the problems. 

This afternoon, as a Christmas treat, the students enjoyed a Christmas movie. They really enjoyed it! 

Have a great night! 

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