Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What a Night!

Greetings! I hope everyone enjoyed the show last night. The students did such a wonderful job and put their whole heart into it. It was so heart warming. I know the students really enjoyed themselves. Hopefully, they put you into the Christmas spirit! 

Today we returned to normal in first grade. We began our day with Religion. Today we reviewed our chapter about how much Jesus loves us. 

In Language Arts we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also practiced writing and reading long a words and contractions with not. After that we reviewed our sight words by reading the word wall. Our focus then switched to fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets as well as our story from yesterday. We read a nonfiction piece about time and completed pages in our close reading companion. We ended class by reviewing verbs; we practiced finding them in sentences. 

We began a new chapter in Math today; for the next several weeks our focus will be on adding and subtracting to 20. To help us learn these concepts we used linking cubes and a number line. We began with linking cubes. We made towers for each number and counted to see how many there were in all. Once the students got the hang of that, we switched to using the number line. We will continue to practice addition tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that our spelling test is tomorrow. Stay dry! 

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