Thursday, December 7, 2017

O Christmas Tree!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a nice day at work and made it home safely. I know I was taken back by the burst of snow we had this afternoon. 

In Religion class today we learned that Jesus surprised his followers after he had risen from the dead. We read the story of Peter and the other disciples who were fishing and caught no fish. When Jesus told them to put their nets back in they got lots of fish. Peter was so excited that he jumped out of the boat to see Jesus. This story reminds us that Jesus is with us always. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts today. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (sprout and bloom). We also worked on making predictions as we read Mystery Vine. After that we practiced blending and reading long i words. That was followed by learning our new sight words. Our focus then switched to building our fluency. We read the play Time to Plant. Finally, we talked about present tense verbs. 

After all of that learning, we needed a break. So, we decorated our classroom Christmas tree. Everyone participated by adding the ornaments and setting up the manger. Doesn't it look great? 

This afternoon we wrote about the steps in how to decorate a Christmas tree. 

For Gym class today we headed to the gym. Today we bowled. The students were divided into groups and given a set of bowling pins and a ball. They worked together to arrange the pins and to knock them down. They had a blast! 

In Math class today we practiced adding a two digit number and a one digit number. We learned that it is easier o begin with the bigger number and count on. The students did great with this. 

We wrapped up our day with Social Studies. Today we identified the natural resources around us and ways to save them. 

Just a reminder that we have Library tomorrow. Please read your library book. And, as promised, here is a picture of the Gingerbread men from last Friday's Art class. Enjoy! 

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