Monday, December 11, 2017

Christmas Music!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a pleasant Monday to begin another week. We had a great day in first grade today. Our morning was busy, but our afternoon was relaxing. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his followers. We learned that the Holy Spirit would help his followers tell others about Jesus. We then talked about what we would tell others about Jesus. 

We began with a review in Language Arts by reviewing our oral vocabulary words and sight words. Our focus then switched to building our comprehension. We reread Time to Plant and talked about the events in the story. We then wrote the events in sequential order. Next we read and discussed our decodable reader. After that we practiced using present-tense verbs in sentences. 

Math class followed Language Arts today. We spent time reviewing the doubles facts and the doubles plus one facts. We really enjoyed saying our rap again. 

This afternoon we were entertained by two concerts: the Hand bell concert and the Christmas concert. Sounds of Christmas echoed throughout the cafeteria. All of the students did such a wonderful job! It sure got us excited for Christmas. 

Here are some photos for you to enjoy. There are pictures of Jingles and what he has been up to last week in our room. I also have a picture from Friday's Art class. 

Have a great night! 

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