Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Excitement is Building!

Greetings! Today was another day full of excitement in first grade. You could feel the students' excitement this morning. It is just wonderful to see. Like I said yesterday, it makes me want to be a kid again. 

Religion class was quite busy this morning. We wrapped up our chapter on the Holy Spirit coming to Jesus' followers by reviewing the story of Pentecost. We then switched gears and read the Christmas story. We talked about how Jesus was born in a stable so long ago. 

Each day this week in Language Arts, we will be reading favorite Christmas stories. Today we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I just love this story and so did the students. After reading the story we talked about ways to make a Grinch grin. We then illustrated our ideas and added them in a Grinch craft. 

In Math class today we reviewed solving addition and subtraction problems. The students are quite good at these problems. 

As promised, here is a picture from yesterday's writing: 

Have a wonderful night! 

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