Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Our First Wintry Day!

Greetings! Today was quite an exciting day for the students in first grade; they were all excited to see the snow. It is neat to watch their amazement and awe as the snow fell. I'm not sure all the adults feel the same way though. 

For Religion today we went to church to spend quiet time with Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration. We spent time praying for others, asking Jesus to help us, and just talking to him. 

After that we returned to the classroom for Language Arts. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words, long i words, plurals, and our sight words. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. This afternoon we read the play The Big Yuca Plant and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

Our focus switched from addition to subtraction today in Math. To explore subtraction, we first used linking cubes to solve a problem. We then switched to our number lines. The key for us to remember is that subtraction means to take away. 

Enjoy the snow! 

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