Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a pleasant week. I will admit that the cold air today was a bit of a shock. It always is after the warm weather we have been having. 

We began our with Religion class. Today, in honor of St. Nicholas' feast day, we watched a movie about his life. We learned about how he cared for those in need and gave presents to children. We learned that we should always try to do a good deed for others. 

We wrapped up a week of learning in Language Arts class today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We read long a words and contractions with not. We wrote sentences using our sight. After that we took our weekly assessment and reviewed verbs by finding them in sentences. This afternoon we worked in our literacy centers. 

We continue to practice adding in Math class. Today we reviewed what we learned yesterday which was adding two single digit numbers. We again used our number lines to help. The students are doing quite well using their number lines. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym class! 

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