Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ascension Thursday!

Happy Thursday! Today was a wonderful day in first grade. Today marked 40 days since Easter, and we went to church to celebrate Ascension Thursday. Msgr. Lockard reminded us that Jesus is still with us. 

Back in the  classroom, we did some reviewing in Language Arts. We reviewed our sight words, vowels in book, and inflected endings. We then worked on our fluency and comprehension by partner reading our story Simple Machines and writing about each simple machine we read about. We finished class by reviewing pronouns. We practiced using them in sentences and identifying them in sentences. 

This afternoon after lunch and recess we attended the annual 8th grade Jeopardy Tournament. We enjoyed watching the 3 eighth graders testing their knowledge. 

After the program, we returned to the classroom for Math class. Today we learned about rectangular prisms. 

Tomorrow is the Hawk Walk. Students must wear the Hawk Walk t-shirt which was sent home on Tuesday, jeans or shorts, and sneakers. We will be walking around town tomorrow morning and be participating in carnival games in the afternoon. It will be an exciting day! 

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