Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Reading, Math, and Gym!

Greetings! I hope everyone had an awesome day. We had a great day of learning and fun in first grade. We began our day in Religion class. We talked about how the church honors Mary with special feast days and prayers. We also learned some of the titles the church gives Mary like "Our Lady" and "Blessed Mother". 

Next, in Language Arts class, we learned long vowel i and o words. When we see the endings -old, -ost, -ild, and, ind, we know that the vowel makes a long vowel sound. We practiced spelling these words and reading the words in a story. Next, we practiced our sight words. We then practiced using pronouns in sentences. 

For Gym class today we stayed inside and headed to the gym for some fun. We used the scooters to participate in relay races. We finished class by playing the favorite "Alligator, Alligator." 

During Math class today, we talked about place value. We learned how to identify the place values in three digit numbers. Next week, we will use pictures of pennies to show the place value in three digit numbers. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about the rights and responsibilities of citizens. One of the rights we talked about was the right to vote. We held our own mock election. Students voted for what to play next week in Gym class. After casting the ballots and tallying the results, the students voted to play kickball. Thy enjoyed this lesson! 

Have a wonderful evening! 

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