Saturday, May 23, 2015

Field Trip Day!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. It was the day we had been waiting for: Field Trip Day! We were so excited to see and feed all of the animals at Living Treasures. 

After what seemed like a never ending bus ride, we arrived at Living Treasures. Once the students got a cup of food, they were off to see and feed the animals. Among the animals the students saw were kangaroos, bears, bison, goats, horses, camels, monkeys, lemurs, and pigs. They loved petting and getting up close to the animals. Many students wore smiles all day long. 

Another highlight of the day was shopping in the gift shop. This gift shop has a variety of products. Everyone left with something to either play with or cuddle up to. 

Here are some pictures from our trip: 

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! See you on Tuesday!

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