Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Feels Like a Tuesday!

Happy Wednesday! With the changes to the schedule this week, today felt more like a Tuesday especially since the students had Music class instead of Gym class. Nevertheless we still had a wonderful day in first grade. 

We wrapped up our chapter in Religion about sharing God's love. We reviewed how we can share God's love with our friends and families. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our phonics skills: vowels aw, au and short e: ea. We did some word sorting to help practice these skills. First we sorted words based on whether the word had au or aw. Next, we sorted words with ea based on whether the ea made a long or short vowel sound. Next we practiced our sight words. After all this practicing we were ready to read our story Alexander Graham Bell. The students enjoyed reading and seeing the first telephones. I hope you enjoyed the story as well. After reading, we practiced using I and me in sentences and wrote our narrative paragraph. 

In Math class today, we learned about temperature. We learned how to read a thermometer and how to show temperature on a thermometer. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we talked about government leaders. We learned that a mayor governs a town, that a governor leads a state, and that a president governs a country. We also identified our current governor and president. 

Tomorrow is going to be an action-packed day! 

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